Naperville Repurpose and Recycle Event June 8
Recycling and repurposing is more than keeping items out of landfills. It is using our resources to help one another. As the International chair for the Naperville Rotary After Dark, last year I had a successful bike collection for WorkingBikes.org. If you never heard of them, please take some time and check out their website. Those used bikes and helmets have a purpose! This organization sends bikes overseas and will be sending a container of bikes to Malawi, Africa in June. Can you imagine the excitement when the community of Malawi receives the bikes?
This year the project has expanded to Naperville Repurpose and Recycle Event. It will be held on Saturday, June 8 at Scullen Middle School from 9:00a-12:00p. The event has an International theme and will serve local and international communities. Please visit napervillerotaryafterdark.org for more information on items that are being repurposed.
We will be collecting bikes and helmets for WorkingBikes.org. Durable medical equipment, walkers, crutches and other medical items for projectcure.org. Old school supplies, books, craft supplies, etc will be collected for SCARCE. Sports equipment will be collected for Gears for Goals.
Project CURE, Gears for Goals and WorkingBikes ship these items to international communities. Please help me spread the word. Your contributions will make a difference! I hope to be able to see you there!
Jun 05, 2019 at 10:50 PM
Marilyn ferris Marilynphoebe@sbcglobal.net An international opportunity right here in Naperville
Jun 24, 2019 at 11:34 AM
Yes and I am happy to say. It was successful!
Oct 30, 2021 at 12:10 PM
Do u have another repurpose event coming?
Oct 30, 2021 at 6:58 AM
Unfortunately not until next year. Dr. Diane Ferris