This is the season for joy, laughter and gathering with family and friends. One of the ways that I have found that increases my joy and happiness is in serving others. Last week I was able to participate with the Naperville Rotary After Dark in delivering holiday cards, candy and poinsettias to local nursing homes. Even small gestures like these show others how much we care. By serving others, we benefit by filling ourselves with the joy from giving to others. Volunteerism is one way to combat the feelings of depression. It may also increase our ” social connectedness.” ( Dolan, 2018).
If you are not feeling particularly joyful during this season, you are not alone. Many suffer from depression, isolation and loss of family members. The pandemic has not been easy. If you need someone to help, please reach out to me. I will connect you.
Dolan, E. (2018, October 31). Study: Volunteering is linked to reduced depression via increased social connectedness. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from Study: Volunteering is linked to reduced depression via increased social connectedness.

2021 Nursing Home Card